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Hannah Kissel

Life Coach & Host of the Big F*cking Dreams Podcast

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ICF-certified coach empowering high-performers to build authentic self-esteem beyond career success. Former LinkedIn top sales leader who rebuilt life through recovery and creativity. Published author with 7+ years sobriety. Helping clients rewrite their stories and realize full potential.

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Hannah Kissel's recent posts

Hannah Kissel

Hannah Kissel

Life Coach & Host of the Big F*cking Dreams Podcast

If you think you’re getting fired every time your boss calls you or puts an unexpected meeting in your calendar, this video is for you.

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Hannah Kissel

Hannah Kissel

Life Coach & Host of the Big F*cking Dreams Podcast

Alcoholism doesn’t discriminate. It doesn’t care about your intelligence, your socioeconomic status, your college degree, your company, or your income. On the latest episode of the BFD podcast, CEO and Founder Samantha Gold opened up about her personal battle with alcohol and how she got sober - what worked and what didn’t. I’m grateful to other founders who are open with their journey. For the past few years, I’ve been open with my sobriety journey and my struggles with alcohol. I grew up in LA, where rehab in your teens wasn’t uncommon, and Alcoholics Anonymous was just part of the culture. In Australia, it feels different—alcoholism is more hidden, less talked about. But that doesn’t mean it’s not happening. According to PubMed:  📌 6.5% of Australian adults met criteria for an ICD-10 alcohol-use disorder  📌 2.2% had another ICD-10 drug-use disorder.” Statistically, someone you know is struggling. It could be a family member, friend, teammate, or colleague. The more we can normalize these struggles with alcohol, the more people can get help. Thank you for sharing your story with us, Sam. Link to listen here: https://lnkd.in/gWk7NtNr

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Hannah Kissel

Hannah Kissel

Life Coach & Host of the Big F*cking Dreams Podcast

“Let them judge us.” On this episode of the BFD podcast, Founder & CEO of Motette Samantha Gold opens up about her fears about starting a business. Specifically the fear of:  “What will my former colleagues at Salesforce think?” Fear of judgment can be paralyzing. It’s rarely about strangers—it’s about the people who used to know you: ✅ “What will my family think?”  ✅ “What will my ex-colleagues think?” ✅ “What will Ashley from high school think?”  ✅ “What will my ex-boyfriend, who I haven’t spoken to in 8 years, think?” From first-hand experience, leaving corporate to start your own business can be terrifying. The fear can grip you so hard some days that you question if it was the right choice, However, over the past few years, I’ve intentionally surrounded myself with founders. Founders who help normalize the fear of doing something different. Because at the end of the day, it’s never about what they think. It’s about what you think of yourself. That thought will always win. And I would rather look back saying, “F*ck, I’m so glad I gave that a shot.”

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Hannah Kissel

Hannah Kissel

Life Coach & Host of the Big F*cking Dreams Podcast

Let’s play a game: Boundary Bingo! It's a game where the only winners are your employer (but for the short term because if you burn out or get sick, they have to replace you anyway). Flip through the list below and see how many of these you tick off. I have recently run this exercise with multiple groups of people, both in corporate and in one of my group coaching programs. I was shocked that most people said they related to every single question. Corporate Millennials are drowning in a boundary crisis—and they don’t even realize it. How did we get here? This group of people was raised to self-sacrifice at the expense of their work. They also strongly identify self-esteem and worthiness directly to their work performance. The result is: ▪️Exhaustion ▪️The inability to say no ▪️Increased burnout rates ▪️Strained stakeholder relationships Let’s put it to the test:  ✅Ever apologized for taking time off?  ✅Worked through lunch ‘just to get ahead’? ✅Said “Yes, definitely!” to a project, even when you’re already exhausted? You may win at Boundary Bingo! ✅✅✅ If you answer yes to three or more of these questions, it’s a sign your boundaries need work. Oftentimes, people think setting boundaries is going to be a massive overhaul and impact their work performance. I have seen the opposite happen. A few small tweaks can make your relationships stronger and often allow you to perform at a higher level. Comment or DM “BOUNDARY” and I’ll send you a boundary cheat sheet that gives you 20 ways to set a boundary at work (this is for men as well!).

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Hannah Kissel

Hannah Kissel

Life Coach & Host of the Big F*cking Dreams Podcast

It’s easy (in the short term) to keep the peace. To sweep things under the rug. To tell yourself, “That’s just how they are—nothing I can do.” To say “yes” when you’re drowning just to avoid the discomfort of saying “no.” But taking the “easy” way out is what leads to resentment, burnout, and poor customer experience. Yesterday, I ran an Ownership Mindset workshop for Katie Clinch's Customer Success team at LinkedIn—a newly formed team with amazing energy. One of the biggest takeaways? The Karpman Drama Triangle Framework. It shifts you from a victim mindset (“This is just how it is”) to an ownership mindset (“Here’s how I change it”). We went over this framework both personally and professionally and spoke about how to use it to strengthen stakeholder relationships, assert boundaries, and stop people-pleasing. Personally, it was also a full-circle moment for me. I was back at LinkedIn where I spent 7+ years of my career, teaching concepts that have dramatically changed my life. Thank you to Team Clincher for being so welcoming and honest in this workshop. I can't wait to see you build your boundary muscles 💪 Katie Clinch Louise Drury Adam Rubner Hannah Sabri James Squirrell Benny Zhang Josefine Lobb

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Hannah Kissel

Hannah Kissel

Life Coach & Host of the Big F*cking Dreams Podcast

"I want to coach with you, but I’ve never done something like this in a group." That’s what almost everyone tells me before they join my group coaching program. Most people have worked with a therapist, mentor, or coach before. But working on their growth in a group? That’s new—and often intimidating. Yet, without fail, when the program ends, the #1 thing they say is: "The group was the most powerful part." Why? Because we all think we’re alone. We think we’re the only ones who feel overwhelmed, resentful, stuck. Then, in a group setting, my clients hear… "Wow, I’m not the only one who can’t say no." "I’m not the only one who lashes out at my partner when I’m stressed." "I’m not the only one who’s so exhausted I can’t even find time to get my Botox done." And suddenly, something shifts. Instead of feeling shame, they start feeling compassion for themselves. And then, they start making changes. 👉 They start saying no to people who drain them. 👉 They look for new jobs. 👉 They negotiate higher salaries. 👉 They get braces! 👉 They work out regularly, even with kids. The fastest way to change your life? Surround yourself with people who are doing the same.

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Top Hooks from Hannah Kissel

Hannah Kissel

Hannah Kissel

Life Coach & Host of the Big F*cking Dreams Podcast

Ever felt that pit in your stomach when your boss calls unexpectedly? 😰 If impromptu meetings make you fear the worst, this video is for you.

Hannah Kissel

Hannah Kissel

Life Coach & Host of the Big F*cking Dreams Podcast

6.5% of Australians battle alcohol. It's time we talk about it. 🍷 Alcoholism doesn't care about your success or status.

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