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Geri Silver

Senior Program Manager @ LinkedIn | News + Communities

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Passionate arts, media, and tech professional leading LinkedIn's Editorial team. Expertise in production, marketing, and partnerships. Cultivating a vibrant community of thought leaders and creators. Seattle-based culture enthusiast with a love for fiction, theater, and craft fairs. Let's connect and share ideas!

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Geri Silver's recent posts

Geri Silver

Geri Silver

Senior Program Manager @ LinkedIn | News + Communities

Am I the only one seeing this? The AI weird-ification of social media has arrived. Every time I log onto Facebook, different posts like this appear in my feed. They follow the same formula: - an AI generated person, usually crying (though not in this case) - a very clearly AI generated sculpture of some kind - a caption about working very hard on their art and no one appreciates it The image is always viral, with thousands of supportive comments from people who think the image is real. Oh, and of course the AI-generated buttons from Facebook suggesting I can learn “what went wrong with the project?” And “why was it undervalued?” 💀 It’s insanely bizarre, and I’d love to know if it’s just me or if there are others passively scrolling in horror as you see the death of media literacy on full display.

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Geri Silver

Geri Silver

Senior Program Manager @ LinkedIn | News + Communities

Remote employees miss out on company culture, you say? Then try to explain the joy that comes with matching sweaters in virtual meetings 😆 Shoutout to my Zoom twin Callie Schweitzer 👯

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Geri Silver

Geri Silver

Senior Program Manager @ LinkedIn | News + Communities

With attacks on "DEI" hitting a fever pitch this week, this wise quote rings loudly in mind: "When someone is accustomed to privilege, equality feels like oppression." My heart goes out to everyone facing barriers in this important field of work, and those who continue to fight the uphill battles for a level playing field.

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Geri Silver

Geri Silver

Senior Program Manager @ LinkedIn | News + Communities

New year, new job search process? This is the case for many of my friends, so I wanted to share a few tips. The hiring landscape is tough, and there's no 'get-rich-quick' hack to landing your next job, but here are a few DO's and a DON'T to stay on the right track. DO: Apply as quickly as you can. Lots of people come across a dream job, then spend days or weeks to craft the perfect application. The reality is that applying QUICKLY gives you an edge. Being one of the first to apply means the hiring process is in its earliest stages, with each application likely getting reviewed by a motivated decision-maker. Tailoring a thoughtful application is important, but acting fast is too — so make sure you have the right templates and routines to strike that balance. DO: Pursue referrals when appropriate. Many companies have referral programs, so if you know someone at a company you're interested in, you should absolutely ask if they'd be comfortable referring you. After that, it's essential you follow the right protocol - for example, at LinkedIn you have to receive the official referral BEFORE you apply, and you apply through a certain link. Other companies may do it differently. Make sure you understand the process so you don't miss out on the referral. DO: Update your LinkedIn. Assume hiring decision-makers will check your LinkedIn. Make sure your headline, summary, and job descriptions speak to that decision-maker's priorities. This doesn't mean turning your profile into an advertisement that you're job-hunting, but it should inform how you frame yourself as a professional beyond just dryly listing your current role and duties. DO: Tailor your applications. Taking a 'quality vs. quantity' approach to applications will take you further than spraying and praying. It's a competitive hiring landscape, so you'll want to make sure your resume experience and keywords match the roles you're applying for. This doesn't mean starting from scratch each time, but you may keep a few versions of your resume for the different functions you're applying for, and it's worth spending the extra few minutes (without getting held up for days or weeks!) to make sure you're speaking the hiring manager's language. DON'T: Take rejections personally. It's normal to get bummed when you're passed over for a job, but you can't let it drag your self-confidence. It's hard to know what's going on in the background - they may have hired an internal candidate, brought in a friend, killed the job entirely, or found someone with the PERFECT background. These are all much more likely than anyone being unimpressed by you. Though easier said than done, try your best to let the rejections go and keep looking forward. This is the furthest thing from a "do these 5 steps to land a job in 5 days" listicle - because I know so many people who do everything right, and still struggle! But I hope this helps someone, and that 2025 brings great opportunities for everyone looking.

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Geri Silver

Geri Silver

Senior Program Manager @ LinkedIn | News + Communities

How have your consumer behaviors changed in the past year? As the year wraps up, I always find this fascinating to reflect on. For me... - I had an on-off relationship with X, deleting and re-downloading it throughout the year. It's now gone permanently, (thankfully) shifting my attention elsewhere. - I spent more time than ever on Reddit, Inc., finding it more useful, entertaining, and informative than most other apps. - For clothes and gifts, I embraced shopping local more than ever. I probably spent less time in big-box stores than any other year, and skipped out on retail brands for Cyber Monday. - With that said, still went a bit for nuts for Cyber Monday on Amazon. It's just extremely convenient that Cyber Deals last for several days now, so I can strategize what I need, do research, and mull it over before purchasing - a very different experience than the rushed "doorbusters" of the past. - Got an Apple smartwatch AND an iPad for the first time this year, after many years of holding off. I guess it's a sign that I'm getting older since I now officially prioritize sleep tracking and a satisfying surface for playing the The New York Times crossword 🤓 . - I used ride-share services like Uber and Lyft less than ever before as prices become harder and harder to justify compared to other options, including researching and booking a local cab. These changes feel subtle in the moment, but as the years pass, it's interesting to look back and realize how much your daily behaviors shift with changing technology and consumer trends. What's your biggest consumer change from the past year?

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Geri Silver

Geri Silver

Senior Program Manager @ LinkedIn | News + Communities

A lot of my colleagues are posting cool videos about Giving Tuesday, and while I'm feeling some FOMO, I have a terrible cold and am not remotely camera-ready. But it's a blessing in disguise, because now I have a great excuse to share this photo. I learned about FORGOTTEN DOGS RESCUE because they partnered with a local brewery to offer dog photoshoots with Santa. As you can see, Ringo hammed it up 😂 Forgotten Dogs Rescue is a wonderful WA-based nonprofit rescue that looks out for often-overlooked dogs — including pit bull types, dogs with health issues, and dogs at risk of neglect. I've always been passionate about pet rescue — the stats on pet homelessness and euthanasia are harrowing — and always feel great supporting the hard-working organizations determined to help as many animals as possible. Donation dollars make a huge impact as rescue requires hefty vet bills, transportation, food, and other costly resources. They've got a matching fund going on this month, so donations are doubled! Learn more here: Wherever you donate, your support of valuable causes will surely secure your spot on the Nice List this year. 😁 #GivingTuesday

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Top Hooks from Geri Silver

Geri Silver

Geri Silver

Senior Program Manager @ LinkedIn | News + Communities

AI art is flooding social media, and it's freaking me out. 🤖🎨 Every time I log onto Facebook, I'm seeing a bizarre trend unfold.

Geri Silver

Geri Silver

Senior Program Manager @ LinkedIn | News + Communities

Virtual office fashion just reached a new level. 👯 Shoutout to my Zoom twin Callie Schweitzer for matching sweaters in our remote meeting!

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